Causes of Gingivitis (Gum Inflammation) part 2

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Causes of Gingivitis (Gum Inflammation) part 2
Causes of Gingivitis (Gum Inflammation) part 2
Causes of Gingivitis (Gum Inflammation) part 2

Healthygums - The following article is a continuation of a previous article, about Causes of Gingivitis.

GumsIf you have deficiency of vitamin C, then this can lead to gingivitis, in which gums become inflamed and bleed easily. Niacin deficiency (pellagra) also can cause inflammation and bleeding gums, as well as facilitate the occurrence of mouth infections.

In pregnancy, gingivitis may be getting worse. This is mainly due to hormonal changes. This situation is supported by the lack of maintaining oral hygiene because pregnant women often feel nauseous in the morning.

During pregnancy, mild irritation (especially during the formation of tartar) can cause an overgrowth of gum tissue that resemble lumps. This condition is called pregnancy tumors. If injured, the swollen gum tissue is prone to bleeding.

Deskuamativa Gingivitis is a condition most common in postmenopausal women. The outermost layer of the gums separate from the underlying tissue. The gums become so loose that the outer layer can be moved with a cotton stick.

In the circumstances pericoronitis, swollen gums on a tooth that has not come out entirely. Liquids, pieces of food and bacteria can be trapped in the gum covering the tooth. This can lead to infection, which in turn can spread to the throat or cheek.

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